Key dates & Call for abstract
- Cavitation and Multi-phase Flows
- Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics in the Naval Context
- Hydroacoustics
- Hydrodynamics of High Speed or Multi-hull Ships
- Hydrodynamics of Maneuvering and Control
- Fluid-structure interaction for Ships and Propellers
- Ship Wave and Wake Hydrodynamics
- Nonlinear Wave‐induced Motions and Loads
- Ocean Environment
- Hydrodynamics of Propulsors and Lifting surfaces
- Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow – Smooth and Rough Surfaces
- Anti-Fouling and Drag Reduction Technologies
- Undersea Vehicle Hydrodynamics
- Data Science in Hydrodynamics
- Reduced Order Modeling (ROMs) for Naval Hydrodynamics
A sample abstract is provided here
The extended abstract should include:1. Title, Author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation(s). E-mail address and phone number for the First Author (who will be the Corresponding Author).
2. Identify one or two (no more than two) topic area(s) your paper will address from the topics listed above.
3. Introduction, providing brief background and the objective(s) of the paper.
4. Approach, describing approach how the objective will be met.
5. Results, showing major results with representative figures.
6. References, list major references.
The extended abstracts in PDF format are to be uploaded via the following internet form no later than May 12, 2023:
35th SNH Abstract Submission Form
In case of difficulty with the above form, abstracts can be emailed to: snhopc@gmail.comSelection of papers will be based on the technical merit and relevance of the submitted abstracts with consideration given to the technical program balance. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by email on July 31, 2023. The full papers in PDF format are due by January 26, 2024. The Organizing & Paper Selection Committee will then review the submitted papers and comment on the following criteria: abstract, introduction or background, uncertainty estimates on experimental data, verification and validation of computational models, figures and tables, conclusions and references. Comments by the committee will be e-mailed to the authors for paper revision if necessary. Revised papers are due by June 3, 2024. Any paper not received in PDF format by the deadline will not be accepted. The substance of the papers to be presented at the Symposium should not have been previously presented or published.
Accepted contributions will be asked to submit an extended paper for the conference proceedings.
Proceedings papers will be restricted to 20 pages and will have to be produced in accordance with Word and LaTeX templates, which will be available eon this website.
Authors will submit the paper by the required due date of 26 January 2024. Please use our Word and Latex templates with instructions how to prepare your paper:
Proceedings papers will be restricted to 20 pages and will have to be produced in accordance with Word and LaTeX templates, which will be available eon this website.
Authors will submit the paper by the required due date of 26 January 2024. Please use our Word and Latex templates with instructions how to prepare your paper:
35th SNH Copyright Statement:
The SNH holds no copyright on all material presented and published as part of the Symposium. The SNH gives permission for all material to be published in other journals.